Type specimen in International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi and Plants

Holotype:The one specimen or illustration as the nomenclatural type by the author(s) of a name of a new species or infraspecific taxon or, when no type was indicated, used by the author(s) when preparing the account of the new taxon.
Isotype:A duplicate specimen of the holotype.
Syntype:Any specimen cited in the protologue when there is no holotype, or any of two or more specimens simultaneously designated in the protologue as types.
Paratype:Any specimen cited in the protologue that is neither the holotype nor an isotype, nor one of the syntypes if in the protologue two or more specimens were simultaneously designated as types.
Lectotype:One specimen or illustration designated from the original material as the nomenclatural type, if the name was published without a holotype, or if the holotype is lost or destroyed, or if a type is found to belong to more than one taxon.
Neotype:A specimen or illustration selected to serve as nomenclatural type if no original material is extant or as long as it is missing.
Epitype:A specimen or illustration selected to serve as an interpretative type when the holotype, lectotype, or previously designated neotype, or all original material associated with a validly published name, is demonstrably ambiguous and cannot be critically identified for purposes of the precise application of the name of a taxon.
Cotype:A term not used in the present ICN. It was formerly used for either isotype, syntype, or paratype.